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Operationalize your contracts with FinQuery Contract Management.

AI-enabled, post-signature contract management software fills the gap left by traditional contract lifecycle management to empower wiser spending decisions.

Business Benefits

Easy Contract Entry

Our AI makes contract entry quick and easy, abstracting key data for analysis and reporting.

Simple Budgeting & Forecasting

A central repository gives you full visibility of upcoming payments for efficient and accurate budgeting and forecasting.

No More Surprises

Automated alerts keep your team on top of important dates to proactively manage your largest areas of spend.

Take Control of Your Spend

Fundamental tasks like budgeting and cash flow forecasting are needlessly complex if the finance team doesn’t have visibility into contracts. You know the drill – endless spreadsheets, numerous emails and phone calls, and wrangling data with fellow business leaders. And that’s in a normal year.

But when is it a normal year? Factor in the explosion of SaaS and the subscription economy, events like mergers and acquisitions, or important contract renewals for things like your benefits package or CRM and your team really needs visibility into your organization’s contracts. FinQuery’s contract management solution is purpose built to provide that insight and intelligence.

Core Features

SaaS Software Catalog


Load and enter contracts with an AI-enabled interface

SaaS Software Catalog


Get summary reports and cash flow forecasts with the click of a mouse

SaaS Software Catalog

Automated Alerts

Receive automated alerts for key contract dates and options

SaaS Software Catalog

Central Repository

One place for financial contracts including SaaS, utility, insurance, vendors, and others

SaaS Software Catalog

Instant Access

Contract dashboard and simple search puts the contract you need at your fingertips

SaaS Software Catalog

Full Audit Trail

Make comments on or changes to a contract with a full audit trail